
sdalog --help
Usage:sdalog -h/--help--time=timevalue[-f/--file]
If you don't input 'time' option,it indicates you need all records of any time.
Similarly, if you don't input 'type' option, it indicates you need all records of any types.
If you don't input '-f' option,the records will be shown to standard output by default.

-h,--help                   Display this usage information.      #查看帮助信息
-a,--apache                 set to query the apache module records. #apache模块记录
-n,--nginx                  set to query the nginx module records.  #nginx模块记录
--time=start_time/end_time  set time.    #time参数设定查询时间的范围,起始时间/结束时间
                            time format as:YYYY-MM-DD-hh:mm:ss.For example,2011-12-21-23:32:15
                            You could just give 'YYYY-MM' or 'YYYY-MM-DD-hh' or else.
                            If you want to get all records before some time,using '/time_value',such as /2012-3-15
                            If you want to get all records after some time,using 'time_value/',such as 2011-5/
--type=type_string          set the type value.   #设置类型
                            type_string is one of these follows:
                            'all'    :all of these types   #所有类型
                            'inject' :SQL injection attack records  #防注入记录
                            'link'   :illegal linkage records     #防盗链记录
                            'dl'     :illegal downloading records  #防下载记录
                            'fd'     :file distort   #畸形文件记录
                            'webtrojan':web trojan     #防网页木马记录
                            'hangtrojan':hang trojan   #防挂马记录
-f,--file                   send the records to file.
                            The file is located in ApacheSafeDog's install directory and named by current time.     #在网站安全狗的安装目录新建一个日志文件,默认是在/etc/ApacheSafeDog下面

标签: linux, 安全, apache, 安全狗

